
Posted by The Queen | Labels: , , | Posted On Friday, December 11, 2009 at 6:06 PM

Okay, separation anxiety is the proper term. But whatever you want to call it, the feeling is getting worse by the day.

As I was dancing and singing for Paolo just now, I realized I won't be able to do much of that anymore once my maternity leave is up. I am seriously going to miss my baby. It hurts so much just thinking about it.

I was the only one there when Paolo first smiled. It was the day after he was born. He was so tiny! I was trying to nurse him, telling him about the days when he was still inside my tummy. He was sleeping then but he smiled. It was the most precious smile I've ever been blessed to see on anybody.

I was also there when he first lifted his head. When he first tried to roll over (and almost succeeded!). When he first tried to communicate. When he first laughed.

I've seen many of Paolo's firsts. And as he grows older, there are going to be many more. It pains me to accept the reality that I may not be there when he says his first words (I'm trying to make him say "love you"), when his first tooth starts to show, when he crawls for the first time, when he takes his first step.

It's a huge sacrifice all working moms have to make for their loved ones. So on behalf of my fellow working moms, WE ROCK!